Medical-Scientific Writing and Bioestatistis
Our clinical pharmacologists and external collaborators have extensive knowledge in wide variety of therapeutic areas, endorsed by more than 20 years of experience, collaborating and working with the pharmaceutical industry, Clinical Research Units and University Hospitals.
Therefore, we offer our clients a wide range of services in order to achieve the objectives they pursue.
Our services include:
Scientific-technical advice.
Clinical Development Plan.
Drafting of Protocols, Patient Information Sheet and Informed Consent.
Investigator's Manual.
Preparation of the Statistical Analysis Plan.
Drafting of the Statistical Analysis Report and Clinical Study Report.
Standard operating procedures (SOP), which cover all aspects related to clinical research.
Preparation of manuscripts and support in the publication.
Congress communications.
Searches and bibliographic reviews.
Expert reports on authorization requests for medicines or other types of products.
Product website content, product monographs.